Wednesday, September 2, 2009


On a rainy day (perfect for riding), took a ride along the beach front. It has a well marked bicycle track and some stunning beach views.

I don't recommend the ride across the causeway, as car drivers tend to be a little over zealous in passing and the foot paths are not really wide enough to comfortably ride down to the beaches. I do however recommend a cruise along the lovely little coves such as Siloso, Tanjung and Palawan.

Take a bathing suit and a towel, as the water is worth a swim.

No shortage of places to stop for food and drink including the world famous Cafe Del Mar and a soon to be Wave Pool.

The gardens are beautiful, the circuit along the beach is around 3 km, riding it several times makes for an interesting afternoon or early evening (when all the beachfront bars light up).

Nothing strenuous, easy to park your car. Worth a trip.

West Coast Revisited

This park is becoming addictive. Every time I go there the changing light through the various tree groves makes the whole day worhtwhile.

Whomever planned this garden park deserves a medal. To be able to envisage how nature would scult the trees was a remarkable feat.

After taking the eastern entrance and heading round the container port circuit past the yacht club, I was stopped in my tracks by yet another great feature of the park, the events field.

This weekend was the Singapore kite festival. Well over 1,000 people were there, young and old flying some truly amazing kits.

The park keeps getting better and is now my regular Saturday ride.